Monday, 14 September 2015

(TASK 3) A2 Music Video Task - Brainstorming ideas and Treatment

I have been instructed to create a music video for my A2 Media Coursework and my partner is Lyle. The track that we have chosen is called "All in my head" by Tori Kelly. We liked this track because it stirred up certain emotions so it would encourage interaction between the viewers and the video. The song is about a girl who is confused as to whether a man likes her, or if it is all in her head - he seems to give her mixed signals.  I have inserted a copy of the rough notes that we have done so far.

(14/09/15) - Treatment:

The summary of the narrative idea is this - a music video based on pure love and emotions, demonstrating a confused girl's perspective on her relationship with a guy. We plan to create two stories; what happens according to the girl's desire versus reality. For example, we will focus on the good moments of their relationship, and this relates to the lyrics because the title of the song is "All in my head," and by focusing on her emotions we allow viewers to get inside of her head.

 We are aiming to focus on the narrative aspect rather than performance. There will be elements of  conceptual or metaphoric imagery as well, as it is a representation of what is going on with her mentally.

Over the summer we completed a pre-coursework task where we had to look at case studies of tracks with and without music videos. The track that didn't have an accompanying music video, yet inspired us, is called"Helplessly" by Tatiana Manaois.

 The lyrics tell a narrative of a girl who feels mixed feelings towards a man, as she feels he is good for her yet bad in some ways. This relates to our own idea for our chosen track.

 The track "Fire We Make" by Alicia Keys did have an accompanying music video. It inspired us because it is also based on a love story, even though it takes a more sensual approach. For example, in the video they are always apart from each other, singing about their feelings. In the end they are united. 


Regarding casting actors, we would use two main young adults (male and female) to play the role in our story. We would use other young adults to play the crowd in certain scenes. Since our target audience is young adults, we feel as if using people of a similar age will lead to identification. In terms of props, love notes would be among our list, but we still need to develop in this area.

The locations:

- A forest
- A street
- A bedroom/housing area
- An isolated room
- A park 

Ethical Considerations:

- Pushes into the boundary of mental ill health, so we will make it clear that she isn't mentally ill, but instead simply imagining what could happen.

- Isolation - She ends up alone as the man is interested in someone else and she interpreted the situation wrongly. 

- Explicit scenery- There will be sensual scenes and to combat this ethical consideration, we will rate the music video as explicit.

Length of Video: The length of our music video will be approximately 3.5 minutes because there is also verbal communication. The narrative will draw the viewers deep into the story. 

Target Audience:

- Young adults (16- approx 24) : We chose this sector of the audience because we are ourselves in this age group and therefore find it easier to appeal to them. Also, stereotypically this type of "immature" or "imaginative" love story is associated with younger adults and teenagers. 

- Niche audience:  It could also apply to those who are older, as there is a point in many people's lives when they are confused about their feelings.

There are other forms of audience, but we need to validate which ones we are definitely targeting.

Where would we broadcast our video?

- YouTube: This is one of the largest video-sharing platforms in the world, so it would make sense to place our music video on this sight. This technology is also apart of social media, so our video is more likely to be shared potentially around the world.

- Facebook Page- Even though this form of social media is not as common as the newer ones, it is still very successful and a platform for audience interaction. For example, they can comment and join the page as well as share the link on their own walls. 

1 comment:

  1. Blog looks good Courtney and case study work looks detailed - I can see all videos embedded too, well done.
